Topia; a place, it differs from Utopia - which derives from ou+topos, or 'no place.'
It is an example of motion towards 21st century education.

Why? Because it is offering a place where educators can feel a sense of community and support in pioneering new methods and inspired ways of engaging students today. The architecture of schools and classrooms needs restructuring in order to be pertinent to both students and teachers. The old models are not working. In education and economics, the United States is gradually being overshadowed by other nation's supremacy. This is a call to action. Obama too is insisting that teachers across America rise to the occasion and become masters in their field.
In his address to the National Urban League last week Obama said,
He then went on to explain that this is very different from the Bush legacy of 'No Child Left Behind,' which commenced a sort of punishment or failure policy for schools. Obama said the Federal government will be working with the entire community. I agree that the education debate must become more of a community affair. Teachers have too long experienced a sense of isolation and lack of support.“Our goal isn’t to fire or admonish teachers,”
Rather, he said the “Race to the Top” program, which provides additional federal funds to local schools that meet administration standards — and a companion effort to overhaul the nation’s 5,000 worst schools — were ultimately aimed at giving good teachers higher salaries, more support, from supplies to smaller classes, and more training to provide them with career opportunities and financial rewards. About $4 billion is being invested in each initiative.
“All I’m asking in return, as a president and as a parent,” Mr. Obama continued, “is a measure of accountability. Surely we can agree that even as we applaud teachers for their hard work, we need to make sure they’re delivering results in the classroom. If they’re not, let’s work with them to help them be more effective. And if that fails, let’s find the right teacher for that classroom. (NYT's article)”
It is encouraging that George Lucas is using his advanced post in the media world for educational evolution. I believe that more of us, across disciplines, can cross the threshold. Education is not just for teachers and students. It is for our collective future. The more involvement at a community level, the more advancement in schools. So, even if you aren't a teacher, maybe check out edutopia and start dialoguing, sharing and promoting 21st century education in schools. It starts with educating ourselves.
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