We desire to bequest two things to our children-- the first one is roots; the other one is wings. (Sudanese Proverb) Image by Rebecca Thom, Lake Tanganyika, 2010


Afghan Women's Writing Project

I just discovered this amazing online magazine forum; The Afghan Women's Writing Project, an entirely volunteer run collective that 'empowers Afghani women to have a voice in the world despite a deteriorating security situation.'

I want to write, I want to write about
my dreams which never come true,
my power that has always been ignored,
my voice which is never heard by this deaf universe,
my rights which have never been counted,
my life decisions which are always made by others.
Oh my destiny, give me the answer, what am I for in this universe?
What does it mean to be an Afghan woman?
Hmm, I know you can’t provide me with an elegant answer so
Just give me the pen, the hidden pen
So that I can write, that is all I am asking for!...

Excerpt of poem written by Emaan.

The AWWP believes that the right to tell one's story is a human right. Increasing the freedom of women strengthens their capabilities and is an undeniable way towards human and societal development. Every woman has a story to tell. This online magazine and mentorship program between women writers throughout the world is giving voice to those too often hushed. There is nothing like the pen as a tool, as remedy, as revolution. Do take a gander at the site and support these women by commenting, letting them know that they are being heard.

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